05 August 2010

After the August Long Weekend

Wow! What a busy week we've had. We hosted an impromptu dinner party on Friday night, which was a lot of fun and a great way to begin the long weekend. Thank you Erin and family for joining us!

Saturday, my sister and newest brother-in-law drove up to visit us for the weekend. They were our very first overnight guests :) As a way to celebrate, we had our very first backyard fire. Ever. No where we've lived before have we been allowed FIRE in our own BACKYARD. The thrill, the joy! It's like camping without having to deal with the tent, cooler or sand. Perfect.

Sunday was spent on the beach. Not any beach though, but one that almost no one knows exists and we therefore had it all to ourselves. Its on a road that doesn't even show up on the map and it's got perfect white sand for a loooong way out into the water. We had a fire on the beach too.

Then later that evening, another fire back at the house. We're obsessed now.

Monday, sis and bro left and we had a quiet day recovering from all the excitement of the weekend. Going to the beach is exhausting, apparently! We did build a lunchtime fire for the boys though and roasted leftover wieners for lunch.

Wednesday the boys went to day camp, and I caught up on some work online, as well as did the weekly grocery shop. Wed. is not a good day for shopping, I've discovered. The aisles are very bare. Shipments don't come in on Tuesday evenings, this I've deducted.

Tomorrow is Friday and hubby has taken the day off so we can go to Lloydminster to pick up supplies. Our first time there, I'm excited. AND, they have a Starbucks. Kelso is in the car already :)

29 July 2010

Job Search

I spent the day fixing up my resume, polishing a cover letter, and looking for my printer.

The printer is no where to be found. It's probably been packed in a box marked garage tools. The people who packed our house insisted on playing a cruel joke and everything is mislabelled. Kitchen boxes that are full of gardening supplies, a box marked "attic" when we've never even lived in a house with an attic.

So, no printer and I needed to print off my resume, cover letter as well as an application form from the potential future employers website, and fill the darn thing out.

Hubby took the boys to day camp in my car, which left me with the scary car that I refuse to drive. He came back by lunch to pick me up so I could print everything and do the grocery shopping child free.

Thankfully, the family resource center here is well equipped and used to dealing with military spouses. This is the first one I've been to that actually has the resources they say they do and the people to help you use them (or at least know where things are and can point you in the right direction)

So, printing was painless and I filled out the application while there too. A quick drive over to the possible future employer, and home to make the shopping list.

Shopping done, pick up boys, pick up hubby, and home with the beginning of a migraine. I spent an hour or so sleeping until the medication started to work, and missed dinner by doing so. So happy to have blackout curtains though! Those things are a dream.

I got up just as the boys were heading to bed, and hubby was good enough to make me my dinner, even though he had already cleaned up the entire kitchen, and unpacked the remaining two moving boxes that have been waiting by the back door for the past 9 days.

If that's not love, I don't know what is. The kitchen is officially unpacked!

27 July 2010

One week in

We've officially lived in our house for one whole week! It actually went by fairly slowly, which is surprising, given the amount of stuff there was (and still is) to do.

Last Monday was our first night in the house, and by the time evening fell, we were all exhausted. The boys went to day camp, and before I could even drop them off, the unpackers had arrived. They were gone by nine, which means they spend a grand total of 1 hour at our house. We only had them unpack breakable items, such as dishes. There were also 3 of them, so it went really fast.

The rest of the day was spent putting things away, mainly sorting out the kitchen. Hubby got pictures on the walls, some mirrors up, and connected all the components for the television. Speakers, PS3, Wii, all the fun stuff. We're getting really fast at the set-up. The boys rooms were both unpacked and set up on Saturday, before the official unpack day. I just couldn't wait to start opening boxes. The days between Friday (the unload) and Monday never seem so long as when we're waiting to unpack!

I'm going to have to backtrack on this blog for a bit, in order to post photos and stories from our drive out here. I was putting photos on my photography site, but it's just too long of a process to upload and tag the photos properly over there when there are so many.

We had little to no internet up until now, including the drive across, so my apologies to all of you who have been waiting for Kelso's adventure to commence. I'm working on it now, as time allows. As you can imagine, having the boys home for the summer plus unpacking and setting up a house, as well as getting used to our new city is taking up much of my time right now.

07 July 2010

South Dakota. The Whole Thing. Day 8

Alright. South Dakota is pretty big. Bigger than it looks on a map. And FLAT. We were not prepared for the flatness of it all. It's pretty, but gets monotonous after driving it for hours and hours on end. We could actually see 10 KM long stretches of road at a time. No turns, no hills.

Not far from Sioux Falls is a place called Mitchell. This is where the world's only Corn Palace is located. So, we stopped. Because, why not? Plus, I'd been there as a child and thought it would be fun to take the boys someplace mommy went to when I was around their age.

I also knew this would be the last interesting place to stop for a long, long while- but I didn't tell them that!

They seemed to enjoy it. J freaked out when Kelso decided he'd like to sit on the shoulder of a life-sized Indian wood carving. "Ewwwww, mommy's putting Kelso on a dead guy!" is what he shouted. Neither boy would go near the carving (see photos below)

We bought some souvenirs, took some pictures, and admired what works of art could be created using just 9 colours of corn and millions of staples. Then, we hit the road. The long, long, road.

It got really boring, really fast. This was not one of our favourite drives. It became a "let's just get there already" journey to the next town.

One point of interest along this stretch (the ONLY point of interest!) was Al's Oasis. I'm not saying you should plan your vacation around stopping there specifically or anything, but when you've been in a car with 2 children under the age of 9, 2 dogs and a husband for hours and hours- it makes a good stop.

A word to the wise- 5 cent coffee tastes exactly like- 5 cent coffee. Don't waste your nickle.

P.S. The photos are horribly out of order. I need to edit the HTML in order to change them around, and it's really time-consuming. Another project for the list :)

06 July 2010

Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota

Day 7 of the move. This day was spent driving through some of the most beautiful Northern States there are!

Wisconsin was nothing but farmland for miles and miles. Nice farmland. The farmland you see in movies where the director idealizes farm life. American's Dairyland indeed! We couldn't help shouting "Hellooooo Wisconsin" Eric Foreman-style as we crossed the border. Yup, we spent many wasted hours watching recorded That 70's Show seasons pre-trip. And we still haven't finished the series. This winter.

Minnesota was gorgeous, although big to drive through in a day. That's where most of the driving hours went. If we had more time, I think it would have been a nice state to stay in for a while and explore. They have something like 10,000 lakes in just that state alone!

We spent this night just inside the Eastern border of South Dakota, in Sioux Falls. As an FYI, Chicago to Sioux Falls in 1 day is TOO long!

05 July 2010


On day 5 of our move, we made it to Chicago. The drive there was fairly boring, Michigan is definitely not one of my favourite States!

Chicago is absolutely amazing. We want to go back. Now. Two days there was definitely not enough!

We walked Michigan Avenue, visited the Sky Deck at Willis Tower (formerly the Sears tower), walked along the waterfront on lake Michigan. Such a great experience. Chicago is beautiful, the people were friendly, and even though we were there over the 4th of July and it was really busy, it still felt safe.

Our hotel had a roof-top pool, which we all made good use of. Chicago was experiencing a heat wave, and it was definitely HOT! So nice to have a pool at our disposal while in the middle of a concrete jungle!

It was hard to leave, but we still had a whole adventure ahead of us as we continued our drive West.

We left early in the morning, but not before driving past the Chicago Bean and Harpo Studios!

Enjoying the roof pool at our downtown hotel

Chicago Skyline
Boys (and Kelso's) first ever cab ride!
On the glass floor standing on top of Chicago :)
Getting a better view
That's a BIG city down there!
Willis Tower formerly Sears Tower in Chicago
Willis Tower

The Windy city really IS windy!

Downtown Chicago- beautiful!


04 July 2010

Indiana! And a sneak peek of Chicago :)

Kelso in Indiana! He had a great time here, the best chicken wings EVER from a small place in Portage.

Since we were only 45 min outside of Chicago, we went there for an afternoon, as a sort of sneak-peek into what the next day would bring. Our first impression summarized into one word- Busy!