I spent the day fixing up my resume, polishing a cover letter, and looking for my printer.
The printer is no where to be found. It's probably been packed in a box marked garage tools. The people who packed our house insisted on playing a cruel joke and everything is mislabelled. Kitchen boxes that are full of gardening supplies, a box marked "attic" when we've never even lived in a house with an attic.
So, no printer and I needed to print off my resume, cover letter as well as an application form from the potential future employers website, and fill the darn thing out.
Hubby took the boys to day camp in my car, which left me with the scary car that I refuse to drive. He came back by lunch to pick me up so I could print everything and do the grocery shopping child free.
Thankfully, the family resource center here is well equipped and used to dealing with military spouses. This is the first one I've been to that actually has the resources they say they do and the people to help you use them (or at least know where things are and can point you in the right direction)
So, printing was painless and I filled out the application while there too. A quick drive over to the possible future employer, and home to make the shopping list.
Shopping done, pick up boys, pick up hubby, and home with the beginning of a migraine. I spent an hour or so sleeping until the medication started to work, and missed dinner by doing so. So happy to have blackout curtains though! Those things are a dream.
I got up just as the boys were heading to bed, and hubby was good enough to make me my dinner, even though he had already cleaned up the entire kitchen, and unpacked the remaining two moving boxes that have been waiting by the back door for the past 9 days.
If that's not love, I don't know what is. The kitchen is officially unpacked!
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