08 June 2012

Springtime Garden

I think it's safe to say that Spring has finally arrived! The trees are blooming with wonderful smelling flowers, everything has turned beautiful shades of green. The birds have all returned and are gracing us with songs at all hours of the day.

The bird feeder we installed over the winter is a bit hit this Spring. We even have a family of birds living in the birdhouse our oldest son built. Babies should be appearing soon, we think.

One thing I didn't realize was that all of the smaller birds disappear over the winter here. The ravens and crows chase them all away. It's pretty cold for them here anyway, so it's probably best that they head South like they do. Sure explains why there was no activity at the bird feeder all winter though! I was starting to get disappointed thinking that no birds would ever find it and pay us a visit!

The crab apple tree we planted last spring is just gorgeous! I had no idea it would produce so many flowers. The smell is heavenly, and it's the first thing I notice on my way up the walkway from the drive.

Enjoy some photos of Springtime in Northern Alberta:

Backyard. New bird feeder and fire benches!

Flowering Crab Apple tree in our front yard

Bumble bee busy making his rounds on a warm spring evening

Crab Apple Tree, planted Spring 2011

Our newest Addition!

In his favourite field

Crab Apple bud getting read to bloom

Trees starting to bud

Field near our house

07 June 2012

Getting focused

One of the most difficult things about blogging has got to be coming up with new content all the time. Since this little blog of mine isn't focused on any one thing, which is how I'm used to working, I'm finding it difficult.

With my online businesses,  I have a clear focus. There are keywords and phrases that people are searching for. I research them and write about it. Usually taking photos as I go, to post along with the content.

Here, it's hard. I don't have a set of keywords to use. While I love the freedom this gives me, as I talked about yesterday, at the same time, it makes it hard to choose a topic to write about! There are so many. What do I share first? What would YOU like to read about?

I'm thinking of searching out some keywords about the home, baking, maybe even photography, since that one of my favourite hobbies, and writing about those things, amongst all the life posts. That would give me more focus, something to work towards completing as I work my way through the list (I love setting goals), and a place to channel creative energy. I like doing something constructive with my time, and people love to read about what others are up to and how to do certain things. This should be win-win.

I'm also bothered by the look of this site. It's been irritating me for months now, and since it's finally Spring here and everything outside looks fresh and new, it's time to bring some of that online! Mini-blog makeover time. I'm excited and also a bit nervous, since I've never re-designed a blog before. Creating new headers for websites I have done, so this probably isn't much different. It's just the behind the scenes stuff that's new, so a bit of a learning curve for me.  Given a bit of time and effort I'll figure it out. Keep an eye out for changes happening soon!

06 June 2012

Breaking the Rules (of web building)

I follow the rules (usually), and am starting to feel boxed in over on my website Eco-Inspired-Organics

There are rules for how many words on a page, how often keywords are used, etc, etc, ETC. Sometimes a girl needs to just WRITE, with no regard to whether or not it's a word people are searching for, or what the Search Engines would like.

I'm going to try harder to link my website with this blog.. I'd like to write once and have my audience able to choose what they'd like to read. Where doesn't really matter to the user, what we all want when we venture online is content, right?

Some of my recipes don't really fit on the organic site. And some of the things I think about, discover or admire don't fit there at all! Expect to see more posts about cleaning, recipes links and meal plans here. This is just as much for my own reference as it is to share.

05 June 2012

Poor, neglected blog

I started this and didn't get very far! I keep thinking about writing, but then don't end up actually DOING it.

We are coming up on our last year here already. It's gone quickly. I have a ton of photos to post from the past few years.

Things I'll miss:
  • Beautiful summer, it is so gorgeous here, green everywhere 
  • So MANY trees!
  •  The lake, not huge, but not tiny either. 
  • The way the lake looks different everyday. 
  • Little traffic, and few traffic lights- there were 9 when we got here, think we're up to 11 now?
  • Outdoor fires in the backyard. 
  • Our house (nearly done with renos!) 
  • My sister being just 6 hours away
What I won't miss:
  • Lack of amenities
  • Distance to the city
  • How far away the airport is- 4 hours one way is TOO far!
  • Being so remote
  • At the same time, having neighbours so close. Why build on top of each other when we have infinite space available?
  • The long winter. Nine months of snow is just too much
  • No humidity. It never truly gets warm enough for me to want to wear shorts. On the flip side, out East is TOO humid. I know where the perfect balance does exist- Hawaii!
We've had a good couple of years here. Heading into our third summer, we have some plans to enjoy what may be our last one before we are thrown into the chaos once again of selling, buying, moving and settling in someplace new.