07 June 2012

Getting focused

One of the most difficult things about blogging has got to be coming up with new content all the time. Since this little blog of mine isn't focused on any one thing, which is how I'm used to working, I'm finding it difficult.

With my online businesses,  I have a clear focus. There are keywords and phrases that people are searching for. I research them and write about it. Usually taking photos as I go, to post along with the content.

Here, it's hard. I don't have a set of keywords to use. While I love the freedom this gives me, as I talked about yesterday, at the same time, it makes it hard to choose a topic to write about! There are so many. What do I share first? What would YOU like to read about?

I'm thinking of searching out some keywords about the home, baking, maybe even photography, since that one of my favourite hobbies, and writing about those things, amongst all the life posts. That would give me more focus, something to work towards completing as I work my way through the list (I love setting goals), and a place to channel creative energy. I like doing something constructive with my time, and people love to read about what others are up to and how to do certain things. This should be win-win.

I'm also bothered by the look of this site. It's been irritating me for months now, and since it's finally Spring here and everything outside looks fresh and new, it's time to bring some of that online! Mini-blog makeover time. I'm excited and also a bit nervous, since I've never re-designed a blog before. Creating new headers for websites I have done, so this probably isn't much different. It's just the behind the scenes stuff that's new, so a bit of a learning curve for me.  Given a bit of time and effort I'll figure it out. Keep an eye out for changes happening soon!

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